Cerris Life

Moving home - 10 useful tips

Written by Chloe Challinor | Feb 12, 2021 4:44:37 PM

Moving into your new home can be an exciting time, but if you don’t plan things properly it can also involve a lot of timeeffort and stress. You can quickly become overwhelmed, with boxes left half unpacked and bubble wrap all over the place.  

We want to put the fun back into moving home! So, with these 10 useful tips you can make sure your move is as easy and stress free as possible:


1. Start packing early

It’s never too soon to start packing! The most stressful thing you can do is leave everything until moving day. It’s easy to underestimate how long packing will take and how many things you have.  

As soon as you know your moving date, you can start putting together boxes of things that you’re not likely to need before you move. This is also a great opportunity to… 


2. Have a clear out

We all have pairs of jeans that don’t fit, shoes we haven’t worn for years, and books that are just gathering dust. Before you pack these things away, think carefully about whether you really need them.  

Donating unwanted items to charity will not only make you feel great, but it’ll mean you have less to take to your new home 


3. Label your boxes

Don’t rely on your memory to keep track of where all your belongings are. An organised system can make the world of difference when you’re trying to find something you need.  

It’s important to label your boxes. We don’t mean just writing ‘kitchen’ – be more specific! Write ‘kitchen utensils’, or ‘pots and pans’, or even list the individual items. 

An easy trick is to number each box so you know if any are missing, use colour codes to easily match them with the correct room, and label them with ‘high’, ‘medium’ or ‘low’ priority to help you decide which boxes to unpack first. 

Writing out lists and checklists can also help you keep track of your tasks. And while we’re being organised, why not… 


4. Create a document box

Keep all important documents, such as passports, wills, mortgage papers, insurance policies, etc, in one box or file – and keep it somewhere safe. 

It may also be worth making electronic copies of these documents by scanning and saving in a secure place on your computer. 


5. Take photos

We’re creatures of habit, and some of us are keen to keep things as they were in our old home. One clever tip is to take photos of any arrangements you’re particularly fond of, so that you can re-create it in your new home.  

Also, take photos of any wires or cables in the back of TVs and devices, to help you remember which plug goes where.  


6. Put together a survival kit

When you arrive at your new home, you probably won’t want to get stuck into unpacking boxes immediately. You’ll be exhausted from the big move, and that calls for something urgent… a cup of tea!  

Keep an easily accessible box that’s packed with all the essentials. This can include phone chargers, snacks, tea bags, a kettle and toiletries. And don’t forget mugs and a spoon!  


7. Have cleaning supplies ready

Once you’ve cleared out your old home, you’re likely to spot some last minute cleaning jobs awaiting your attention.  

The last thing you want to do is unpack all your boxes to find a sponge, so make sure you keep back a small collection of cleaning supplies. It may also be smart to have tool kit ready for emergency fixes too. 


8. Think outside the box

Cardboard boxes are great for moving home. They’ll be your storage solution of choice for most items. However, keep an eye out for opportunities to save space with your packing. 

Don’t fill your car with empty suitcases – pack them full of clothes! You could also save on bubble wrap by using towels to protect fragile items. But make sure you use ziplock bags for anything that might leak. 


9. Take your time

Theres no rush to make everything perfect straight away. Moving house takes time and is something you should be excited about. Don’t make unpacking a chore; make it fun and exciting. Just relax and breathe.  


 10. Treat yourself

At the end of moving day, you’ll be tired, hungry, and ready to relax. 


So, there are the top moving tips… have you found your dream home yet? We have some wonderful properties available - view them here.